google talk shell 1.1
Googl Talk Shell(Gtalk Shell) is a free addon for Google Talk that can download and create dynamic avatars.
Googl Talk Shell(Gtalk Shell) is a free addon for Google Talk that can download and create dynamic avatars.
google talk shell features
google talk dynamic avatars talk shell

Download google talk shell 1.1
Download google talk shell 1.1
Authors software
MSN content crazy show 5.2
Twomol Studio
MSN Content Crazy Show allows you to download, preview ,install MSN winks and dynamic display pictures with only few clicks.
google talk shell 1.1
Twomol Studio
Googl Talk Shell(Gtalk Shell) is a free addon for Google Talk that can download and create dynamic avatars.
Similar software
google talk shell 1.1
Twomol Studio
Googl Talk Shell(Gtalk Shell) is a free addon for Google Talk that can download and create dynamic avatars.
Google Talk Poligamy patch
Google Talk Poligamy allows you to simultaneously run multiple instances
of Google Talk.
Google Talk
They say talk is cheap.
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SimpLite-Jabber/Google Talk 2.2.3
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Messenger Key 8.0
Messenger Key is a free program that allows you to recover passwords for ICQ, MSN, Google Talk and Yahoo instant messengers.
Google Pack 2.1.810.31257 Beta
Google Pack is a suite of programs brought to you by Google.
Talqer / Vozin Communicati
Talqer (pronounced Talker) will integrate with Google Talk to allow users to make phone calls to normal telephones anywhere in the world! Talqer offers:
Choice: You choose whether you want to integrate Talqer together with Google Talk or use it as a stand alone application
Quality: Talqer is based on open industry standards and offers very high voice quality
Convenience: Talqer adds three buttons to the Google Talk user interface to allow you to call normal telephone lines from inside Google Talk
Affordable: Talqer offers affordable rates: every single Talqer rate is lower than Skype.
Talk Extra 1.1
XC Software
Talk Extra is a chat program which lets you talk to friends and family in a free and safe environment.
Kinori 1.0
DCR Team Luzz y AcenTiLLo
Kinori is a google talk security tool for remove pwd stored in computer, accounts list and chat logs.
Other software in this category
Chat-N-Tickle 5.0
Chat-N-Tickle is an amazing chat program loaded with features.
MSN Messenger Font Colors 1.5
It`s very easy:
-Select the color you want by moving the bars
-Press Apply
-Close your chat windows and re-open them.
TipicIM 0.7.12
Tipic Inc.
TipicIM can be used with the TIMP IM server or any XMPP/Jabber Compliant Server and is available at no cost for download and usage.
MSN Messenger 4&5 Polygamy
Add Asdfuae
Polygamy let's you use multiple copies of msn messenger at the same time thus allowing you to use multiple accounts at the same time.
Several MSN Messenger Sessions
THIS version is working ONLY with 4.