Ares Galaxy 2.0
Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc.
Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc.
You may now easily publish your files through the Ares decentralized network. As a member of the Ares Galaxy virtual community, you can download or search just about any file shared by other users.
With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new friends.
Here are some key features of "Ares":
Ares automatically finds more sources and downloads files from many users at once. This can increase remarkably the speed of your downloads
Your shared files are organized into categories in a library section. You can sort your files by type, category and easily change your share settings. An handy quick-search feature locates your files by typing a keyword
You can preview files while their download is in progress and organize a playlist made of your favourites. Ares supports mouse drag and drop operations, now you can add files or import playlists with just one click
You can host your chat room and join other available channels. Creating a chat channel has never been easier, now you can chat and meet new friends while you download files
you can your files new friends meet new now you and meet chat rooms the ares audio video host your

Download Ares Galaxy 2.0
Authors software
Ares Galaxy 2.0
Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc.
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