HTML Portable Editor 2.0.0
HTML Portable Editor is a portable application that will allows you to quickly edit your HTML pages
What's New in This Release:· You can now:
· Pre tag - Bold, Italic or Underline text
· Pre tag - Wrap text in HTML basics
· Pre tag - Align Text
· Added "Save" and "Save As.
HTML Portable Editor is a portable application that will allows you to quickly edit your HTML pages

Download HTML Portable Editor 2.0.0
Download HTML Portable Editor 2.0.0
Authors software
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Encript 2.0.0
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If you need to protect important text, then Encript is the perfect tool for you.
Nu-Host2Ip 1.0.0
IE.Download Shutdown 2.0.1
HTML Portable Editor 2.0.0
HTML Portable Editor is a portable application that will allows you to quickly edit your HTML pages
What's New in This Release:· You can now:
· Pre tag - Bold, Italic or Underline text
· Pre tag - Wrap text in HTML basics
· Pre tag - Align Text
· Added "Save" and "Save As.
Similar software
HTML Portable Editor 2.0.0
HTML Portable Editor is a portable application that will allows you to quickly edit your HTML pages
What's New in This Release:· You can now:
· Pre tag - Bold, Italic or Underline text
· Pre tag - Wrap text in HTML basics
· Pre tag - Align Text
· Added "Save" and "Save As.
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- contains these translations: English, German, Czech
Here are some key features of "phpEditorIDE":
· highlight syntax of languages PHP, HTML, XML, CSS, JScript and VBScript
· edit 100% adjustable user toolbars and menus
· quickly insert of HTML tags, PHP functions etc.
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