damaka 2.7.18
damaka is a free and useful software which lets you to make free phone and video calls anywhere in the world.
damaka is a free and useful software which lets you to make free phone and video calls anywhere in the world.
damaka is the world's most innovative and secure Peer-to-Peer, SIP-based collaborative communication platform. It offers several features, including free phone calls, voicemail, video chat, instant messaging, conference calling, and secure file transferring.
damaka calls have better sound quality than your regular phone and are highly secure, with end-to-end encryption.
If you are tired of paying outrageous fees to your phone company, damaka is for you! Use damaka to give your friends a call and voice chat with them for free at a superior quality.
damaka is quick and easy to install. Just download it, register, and plug in your headset and call your friends on damaka. damaka calls have excellent sound quality and are highly secure with end-to-end encryption. Best of all, damaka does not require you to configure your firewall or router — it just connects!
damaka features
Get free PC-to-PC calls, cheap PC-to-Phone Calls (DialOut™), Phone-to-PC Calls (DialIn™), Phone-to-Phone Calls (DialWorld™), Conferencing, Voicemail, Call Logs. Talk to your family and friends anywhere, anytime, for as long as you want. Save money on your local and long distance calls!
Enrich your experience by using damaka peer-to-peer video. See your contacts live! damaka video brings families together with just a click. VideoMail is just like sending an email - only better - just record & send your message. The recipients get the message in the email.
Instantly share files with your family & friends using damaka 's secure, peer-to-peer file transfer. Share pictures, songs, movies, documents, presentations safely and reliably. Ensure security and peace of mind with auto virus scan feature.
Send text messages to friends, family members and co-workers. Auto-save text chats, search conversations and hear your text messages speak, with damaka SmartIM™. With IMConnectivity™ chat with friends on MSN® Messenger, Yahoo® Messenger, AOL® Instant Messenger & Google® Talk.
Desktop Search allows you to index and search your Desktop. Find content more easily now. With Audio streaming, you stream music to upto 3 contacts simultaneously. Video Profile lets you add some fun to your profile.
With damaka, you can share your computer in real-time. You can view and control your contact's computer, with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer. With damaka Whiteboard, Collaborate in real time with others using graphic information.
damaka is firmly committed to the use of industry standards throughout the product. damaka is a SIP-based, Peer-to-Peer software and allows users to connect to other SIP networks.
video chat phone calls real time desktop search with damaka conversations and text messages with your your local using damaka just like file transfer audio streaming

Download damaka 2.7.18
Authors software
damaka 2.7.18
damaka Inc
damaka is a free and useful software which lets you to make free phone and video calls anywhere in the world.
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damaka Inc
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