More features than ever before and its still free for a limited period.
More features than ever before and its still free for a limited period.
Better than MSN and more fun than ICQ's; NetGuide Magazine.
The first Windows Dating program that finds your perfect date for you. Now with direct emailing, voice mail and text messaging.
As well as increased stability integrated into one of the largest onlne Singles communities.
For Windows 98/ME/2000 this program sits in your system tray and helps search and find your perfect partner.
Instantly tells you when your ideal match is online or when new matches appear and gives you multi-optional ways to contact them or to chat directly using this many featured application.
Takes the hard work out of online dating.

Download Chatterbox
Authors software
Singles Limited
More features than ever before and its still free for a limited period.
Similar software
Singles Limited
More features than ever before and its still free for a limited period.
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MyEMessenger 1.1
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This product is different from other chatting services because it allows members to chat with others online immediately.
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P2P Messenger 1.0.2
Code Generation
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Dating & Personals Tips
AzDGDatingLite 2.1.4
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MyIM 2.10
Matthew T. Pandina
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MorphVOX Junior 2.4.7
Screaming Bee LLC
Pure Voice Changing Fun! MorphVOX Junior is a free voice changing tool that will change the way you play games or chat online.
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MSN Messenger Font Colors 1.5
It`s very easy:
-Select the color you want by moving the bars
-Press Apply
-Close your chat windows and re-open them.
TipicIM 0.7.12
Tipic Inc.
TipicIM can be used with the TIMP IM server or any XMPP/Jabber Compliant Server and is available at no cost for download and usage.
MSN Messenger 4&5 Polygamy
Add Asdfuae
Polygamy let's you use multiple copies of msn messenger at the same time thus allowing you to use multiple accounts at the same time.
Several MSN Messenger Sessions
THIS version is working ONLY with 4.