atTFTPClient 1.0
Download atTFTPClient 1.0
Authors software
PitPad 3.2
Piotr Szczepanik
PitPad application is an advanced and easy to use text editor with syntax highlighting, multi level undo, and many many more.
Glazier 1.1
Piotr Szczepanik
Glazier is a program which can be use to change a hidden Windows system parameters.
FileNamer 1.0
Piotr Szczepanik
FileNamer is a program that helps you change name of one or more files with use of special rename rules.
atEcho 1.0
Piotr Szczepanik
atEcho is an client and server implementation of Echo network protocol.
atDNSClient 1.0
Piotr Szczepanik
atDNSClient as the name says is an Domain Name Service/System (DNS) client.
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