Zope 2.9.3
Zope is an open source application server for building content management systems, intranets, portals and custom applications.
Zope is an open source application server for building content management systems, intranets, portals and custom applications. The Zope community consists of hundreds of companies and thousands of developers all over the world, working on building the platform and Zope applications.
Zope is an open source web application server primarily written in the Python programming language. It features a transactional object database which can store not only content and custom data, but also dynamic HTML templates, scripts, a search engine, and relational database (RDBMS) connections and code. It features a strong through-the-web development model, allowing you to update your web site from anywhere in the world.
To allow for this, Zope also features a tightly integrated security model. Built around the concept of "safe delegation of control", Zope's security architecture also allows you to turn control over parts of a web site to other organizations or individuals.
The transactional model applies not only to Zope's object database, but to many relational database connectors as well, allowing for strong data integrity. This transaction model happens automatically, ensuring that all data is successfully stored in connected data sources by the time a response is returned to a web browser or other client.
There are numerous products (plug-in Zope components) available for download to extend the basic set of site building tools. These products include new content objects; relational database and other external data source connectors; advanced content management tools; and full applications for e-commerce, content and document management, or bug and issue tracking. Zope includes its own HTTP, WebDAV, FTP and XML-RPC serving capabilities, but it can also be used with the Apache or other web servers.
relational database not only content and object database web site the world application server content management and custom open source

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Zope 2.9.3
Zope Corporation
Zope is an open source application server for building content management systems, intranets, portals and custom applications.
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