Easy and small application for free video communication via Internet on any broadband or even dial-up.
Easy and small application for free video communication via Internet on any broadband or even dial-up.
Easy and convenient interface which doesn’t require special skills and knowledge.
ZoomChat is a tool that allows you make video chat on internet.
It has address book, alternative change of interface skins, multi-language support, chat, convenient search of friends via Web. It is possible to call right from Web-site.
It also has big size video picture, separated self-view window; works through HTTP-proxies and firewalls. Thanks to the noise silence, face detector, automatic estimation of channel width, own video codec and other technologies it ensures good connection even through instable low speed channels.
This application ensures more competitive quality of video communication on dial-up. A free service available on http://www.zoomfriends.com/
This download may include additional applications bundled with the software's installer file. Third-party applications bundled with this download may record your surfing habits, deliver advertising, collect private information, or modify your system settings. Pay close attention to the end user license agreement and installation options.
You are advised to run Ad-Aware or similar programs after installing this product. You can download such programs by clicking here.
applications bundled bundled with download may this download video communication easy and

Download ZoomChat
Authors software
Easy and small application for free video communication via Internet on any broadband or even dial-up.
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Easy and small application for free video communication via Internet on any broadband or even dial-up.
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