Wic messenger v0.9
With WIC messenger, you can create your contact list and see when your friends are online.
With WIC messenger, you can create your contact list and see when your friends are online.
-Talk with your friends or with anyone other person who is online, in any part of the world when you fancy.
-Use videoconferencing to be even closer to them.
-Liven up your conversations more fun with gestual icons.
-Send and receive any type of files that you like - even if they are images or sound.
-Watch while someone is actually writing to you.
-Set your status to show what you´re doing at any given time.
-Manage your contact list in your list with privacy settings. You decide who can see you on line and send messages to you.
-Invite friends to join the WIC community.
-Use the "community mode" or the "messenger mode". The former makes you available to chat with other WIC community members while the latter makes it so only users on your contact list can message you.
Interoperability with other messenger systems
WIC messenger is a universal IM program that allows you to estay in touch with contacts on all the popular instant messenger systems: AIM, Msn, Icq and Yahoo
This interoperability means that you don´t have to install and run all those programs just to keep in touch with contacts that use them.
Find people who share your same interests, age, and live in the same part of the world as you.
Mail Alerts
WIC messenger alerts you when you receive a new email message whether in a pop3 or webmail (hotmail or yahoo) account.
Offline messages
You can send notes to contacts that aren´t online.
If someone sends you a note while you´re offline you will be notified of it the next time you login.
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Download Wic messenger v0.9
Authors software
Wic messenger v0.9
WIC Messenger
With WIC messenger, you can create your contact list and see when your friends are online.
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