TeamTalk 3.2
TeamTalk allows you to chat with our friends or colleagues using the internet or a local area network.
TeamTalk allows you to chat with our friends or colleagues using the internet or a local area network. All you need is a microphone and a sound card.
Unlike many other internet voice applications TeamTalk allows any number of people to participate in a conversation.
This of course requires more bandwidth but TeamTalk features a variety of configuration options which allows you to select the quality settings that best fit your connection speed.
TeamTalk is a tool that allows you to make voice conversation over the internet.
The primary goal of TeamTalk is to provide a conversation with minimum lag (delay) so that it becomes as close to real-time conversation as possible.
TeamTalk features
allows you bytes sec teamtalk features the internet teamtalk allows

Download TeamTalk 3.2
Authors software
TeamTalk 3.2
Bjoern D. Rasmussen
TeamTalk allows you to chat with our friends or colleagues using the internet or a local area network.
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TeamTalk allows you to chat with our friends or colleagues using the internet or a local area network.
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