SpamExperts Home is our free desktop filtering software for personal (non-commercial) use.
SpamExperts Home is our free desktop filtering software for personal (non-commercial) use. This product filters IMAP and POP3 connections. By using automatic email interception you are not required to change any of your email client settings.
When SpamExperts has been started, you will see an icon of SpamExperts in the bottom-right corner of your screen. Clicking this icon with your left mouse button will open the SpamExperts interface. Clicking this icon with your right mouse button will allow you to close the software.
The SpamExperts software will automatically intercept all IMAP and POP3 connections made from your computer. When periodic retrieval has been enabled, the software will inform you about new detected connections. When periodic retrieval has been disabled, you'll receive a welcome email.
SpamExperts features
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Authors software
SpamExperts B.V.
SpamExperts Home is our free desktop filtering software for personal (non-commercial) use.
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