SeaMonkey 1.1
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to deliver production-quality releases of code derived from the application formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite".
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to deliver production-quality releases of code derived from the application formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite".
Whereas the main focus of the Mozilla Foundation is on Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird, our group of dedicated volunteers works to ensure that you can have "everything but the kitchen sink" — and have it stable enough for corporate use.
SeaMonkey - Web-browser, IRC chat client, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client and HTML editing made simple - all your Internet needs in one application brought to you by Mozilla.

Download SeaMonkey 1.1
Authors software
SeaMonkey 1.1
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to deliver production-quality releases of code derived from the application formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite".
Mozilla Lightning Project 0.3.1
The Lightning Project is a redesign of the Calendar component.
Firefox 1.5 CCK (Client Customization Kit) 1.0
Using Firefox 1. Companion 1.5
The Joga.
Similar software
SeaMonkey 1.1
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to deliver production-quality releases of code derived from the application formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite".
Mozilla Sunbird 0.3.1 Final
The Mozilla Organization
Mozilla Sunbird is a redevelopment of the Mozilla Calendar extension.
keyconfig 20060828
Use the keyconfig extension to easily change the keyboard shortcuts in your Mozilla Firefox/SeaMonkey web browser or Mozilla Thunderbird e-mail client
Shortcuts defined via a can be changed but only changing those which itself call a function (those with a command or oncommand attribute) has an effect (all others fulfill only cosmetic purposes it seems and are grayed out).
Mozilla Lightning Project 0.3.1
The Lightning Project is a redesign of the Calendar component.
Donzilla 1.0
Donzilla is a customized version of Mozilla Seamonkey, created by HARDWAREHACKS 2000.
wmlbrowser 0.7.13
Matthew Wilson
wmlbrowser is an extension for your browser that will simulate WAP browsing by viewing WML (Wireless Markup Language) pages in Mozilla, SeaMonkey or Mozilla Firefox.
Mozilla XForms
Doron Rosenberg
Mozilla XForms is a small extension that provides XForms support for Firefox and Mozilla
· Firefox 2.
Mozilla Optimizer 1.6.3
Mozilla Optimizer is a tool which optimizes Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox and Netscape settings in order to considerably boost page loading.
ColorZilla 1.0
Alex Sirota
ColorZilla is an extension for Mozilla Firefox and the Mozilla Suite.
InfoLister 0.9f
Nickolay Ponomarev
InfoLister is an extension for Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird and Nvu that can collect various information about Firefox/Thunderbird and saves it to a file.
Other software in this category
Off By One Browser 3.5d
Off By One Productions
Off By One Browser is an independent web browser that runs completely self-contained and does not require any other browser, that means it does not use the IE browsing engine.
Windows Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer Aug
August 2002, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer (Q323759) eliminates all previously addressed security vulnerabilities affecting Internet Explorer, well as additional newly discovered bugs.
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Microsoft Corp.
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Paul Kershaw
MiniBrowser is a small, convenient yet fully fledged web browser.
Dbrowser 4.0
Dexter Studio
If you are not romanian.