PAD2Froogle Scout 1.00
PAD2Froogle Scout is a shareware developer utility that converts existing XML PAD files into Froogle feed file.
PAD2Froogle Scout is a shareware developer utility that converts existing XML PAD files into Froogle feed file.
PAD is the Portable Application Description. It helps shareware authors to provide product descriptions and specifications for online sources in a standard way using a standard data format that will allow program librarians and webmastersto automate program listings. PAD saves time for both authors and webmasters.
PAD file format is supported by ASP (association of shareware professionals);
Froogle is a new service from Google that makes it easy to find information about products for sale online. By focusing entirely on product search, Froogle applies the power of Google's search technology to a very specific task: locating stores that sell the item you want to find and pointing you directly to the place where you can make a purchase;
PAD2Froogle Scout converts your PAD files into Froogle sheet file automatically. All you need is to renew your PAD files for your software products and PAD2Froogle Scout will help you to update your store at Froogle.
pad2froogle scout pad files your pad files into into froogle

Download PAD2Froogle Scout 1.00
Download PAD2Froogle Scout 1.00
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PAD2Froogle Scout 1.00
PAD2Froogle Scout is a shareware developer utility that converts existing XML PAD files into Froogle feed file.
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