MyLiveSignature 1.00
Handwritten signatures can be used anywhere where they are needed.
Handwritten signatures can be used anywhere where they are needed. Managers can use them to fax signed documents. Secretaries use them to print out signed documents.
Insurance agents use signatures to print pre-signed forms. Digital handwritten signatures can also be used in corporate logos and letterheads. It makes them look so much great!
Now that there has appeared MyLiveSignature.Com, creating a signature couldn't be easier! Just register there and, using the web interface, imitate your signature yourself through a step-by-step signature creation wizard, or write your signature with a pen on paper, scan it and submit to the designers at via a special form.
MyLiveSignature comes with a signature wizard (if you opt for it) offers you are wide range of configurable parameters, allowing you to achieve the results you need. For example, you can adjust such parameters as name, font, size, color and slope of the signature.
Once you have the signature, you can easily insert it into a message in any mail client that supports signatures, for example, Outlook Express. At the bottom of the message, you enter a few strings: your name, company name, homepage and email addresses with hyperlinks and place an image of your handwritten signature above this information.
For those people who like creativity and style, provides a cool option to animate a signature so that when the receiver opens your message, the effect will be as if the author were signing a message in real time in front of the reader's eyes.
The animation is smooth because it is created by experienced animators at Now you can explore MyLiveSignature.Com to find out more details about handwritten signatures and how you can create them.
You are invited to take 'Welcome Tour'. Breathe life and your individual spirit into your digital signatures now, visit MyLiveSignature.Com!
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Download MyLiveSignature 1.00
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MyLiveSignature 1.00
Handwritten signatures can be used anywhere where they are needed.
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