MSN Messenger 4&5 Polygamy
Polygamy let's you use multiple copies of msn messenger at the same time thus allowing you to use multiple accounts at the same time.
Polygamy let's you use multiple copies of msn messenger at the same time thus allowing you to use multiple accounts at the same time.
It works with ALL versions of MSN Messenger
Copy Polygamy to messenger folder, usually @ C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exe
Then Close The Messenger Program.
Then run Polygamy and Press Apply patch.
same time the same msn messenger use multiple

Download MSN Messenger 4&5 Polygamy
Download MSN Messenger 4&5 Polygamy
Authors software
MSN Messenger 4&5 Polygamy
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Polygamy let's you use multiple copies of msn messenger at the same time thus allowing you to use multiple accounts at the same time.
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MSN Messenger 4&5 Polygamy
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Polygamy let's you use multiple copies of msn messenger at the same time thus allowing you to use multiple accounts at the same time.
Several MSN Messenger Sessions
THIS version is working ONLY with 4.