MSN Advert Removal 2.1
MSN Advert Removal blocks advertisement banners from being displayed in MSN Messenger.
MSN Advert Removal blocks advertisement banners from being displayed in MSN Messenger.
MSN Advert Removal is a tool that works well with all versions of MSN Messenger.
You need to run it only once to "patch" your system.
Note: MSN Advert Removal will not make the default white MSN Messenger banner dissapear. This banner will remain intact, but simply it will never be replaced by any commercial advertisement. Also this program does not remove any advertisement provided with Messenger Plus! extention. If you don't want advetisement that comes with Messenger Plus! simply don't install that extension.
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Download MSN Advert Removal 2.1
Download MSN Advert Removal 2.1
Authors software
MSN Advert Removal 2.1
MSN Advert Removal blocks advertisement banners from being displayed in MSN Messenger.
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