MetarWeather 1.76

Download MetarWeather 1.76
Authors software
Mail PassView 1.92
Nir Sofer
The Mail PassView utility displays the details of email accounts of the
following email applications:
Mail PassView is a small password-recovery program which shows the passwords and other account details for the following email client software:
· Outlook Express
· Microsoft Outlook 2 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only)
· Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts)
· IncrediMail
· Eudora
· Netscape 6.
Protected Storage PassView 1.63
Nir Sofer
Protected Storage PassView is a small application that reveals the passwords stored on your computer by Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and MSN Explorer.
Dialupass 3.61
Nir Sofer
Dialupass enumerates all Dial-Up entries on your computer, revealing their login details, including User Name, Password and Domain.
WinUpdatesList 1.33
Nir Sofer
WinUpdatesList will display the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes) installed on your local computer.
CurrPorts 1.11
Nir Sofer
CurrPorts will display the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your PC.
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