Free Pad Submitter 1.5
This is a Lite analog of Aguta Pad Submitter, a tool for automatic registration of PAD files in shareware catalogues.
This is a Lite analog of Aguta Pad Submitter, a tool for automatic registration of PAD files in shareware catalogues.
Multithreaded execution provides high speed of form submitting..
The application is shipped with database of 30 PAD catalogues. The tool is designed for Freeware and Shareware applications developers.

Download Free Pad Submitter 1.5
Download Free Pad Submitter 1.5
Authors software
Free Pad Submitter 1.5
This is a Lite analog of Aguta Pad Submitter, a tool for automatic registration of PAD files in shareware catalogues.
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Free Pad Submitter 1.5
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