Encryptor 1.0
Encryptor is a password protected program that will allow you to send and receive encrypted emails to your friends and business partners.
Encryptor is a password protected program that will allow you to send and receive encrypted emails to your friends and business partners. Encrypt and send mail directly from the program.
Saves email address's for quick responding. File size has been kept to a minimum (75 Kb) so you can easily send the program along with your encrypted message as an attachment to the recipient. Easy one button encrypt/decrypt process.

Download Encryptor 1.0
Authors software
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Camtech 2000
Anyone can have colorful scroll bars for their web site with no programming knowledge whatsoever.
IE Restrictions 1.0
Camtech 2000
Have you had problems with sites hijacking your Home Page or other Internet Explorer restrictions?
IE Restrictions will remove most common restrictions that may have been set by a sleaze web site as well as other methods.
My IPs 1.0
Camtech 2000
My IPs is a little application that will return your actual Internet IP address even if you're behind a Firewall.
MediaJoin 1.0
Camtech 2000
MediaJoin is a free utility for combining your Video/Audio clips into one file.
MP3 Stats 1.0
Camtech 2000
MP3 Stats is an easy to use informational tool that will return vital statistics about your MP3 files.
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Camtech 2000
Encryptor is a password protected program that will allow you to send and receive encrypted emails to your friends and business partners.
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Leandro Quintino
OutlookCrypt is an encryption tool built for Microsoft Outlook 2003 which allows users to encrypt and decrypt e-mail messages.
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Zero Footprint Crypt 4.03.05
Zero Footprint Crypt will encrypt your files using for that the powerful Blowfish algorithm.
SEmail 1.0
Angel Tsvetkov
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Here are some key features of "SEmail":
ยท Send email(s) with one mouse-click without to configure anything.
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