CSS Spy 1.0 RC1
Cascade Style Sheet Editor (CSS) - View in real time the effects of the style on Internet Explorer and Mozilla.
Cascade Style Sheet Editor (CSS) - View in real time the effects of the style on Internet Explorer and Mozilla.
Edit Cascade Style Sheets could be something complicated, especially if you don't know well the w3C specification. How many times you has been asked about valid parameters for a property? How many times you wasted so much time for know how is seen the style in navigator, saving testing again?
CSS Spy is a software that helps you edit HTML files.
CSS Spy, allows to you to edit of a simple and fast way all the properties supported by W3C CSS 1 and 2 specification and documented extensions of MSIE, Mozilla and Opera. In addition it can visualize in real time the item published in Internet Explorer and Mozilla (This option requires to install an additional component)
how many many times times you css spy and mozilla explorer and real time time the the style internet explorer cascade style

Download CSS Spy 1.0 RC1
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CSS Spy 1.0 RC1
@ktive Software
Cascade Style Sheet Editor (CSS) - View in real time the effects of the style on Internet Explorer and Mozilla.
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