Brainstorm mp3 Catalog 0.5 alpha
Brainstorm mp3 Catalog is dedicated to people which have a large collection of mp3 files.
Brainstorm mp3 Catalog is dedicated to people which have a large collection of mp3 files.
It is a catalog which stores information about the mp3's like artist, title, album, year and many more (usually found in the ID3 tags).
It has another option named Media which helps you find if the mp3 is on the harddisk or a removable media (and what label the removable media has).
Fast recursive search or add single files - you name it and this program does it. You can rate your mp3's and can select the rating you want from the category tree.
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Download Brainstorm mp3 Catalog 0.5 alpha
Download Brainstorm mp3 Catalog 0.5 alpha
Authors software
Brainstorm mp3 Catalog 0.5 alpha
Brainstorm mp3 Catalog is dedicated to people which have a large collection of mp3 files.
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Brainstorm mp3 Catalog 0.5 alpha
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