Blowsearch Secured Messenger 2.1.0
BSM isn't just any old instant messenger.
BSM isn't just any old instant messenger. With BSM you can communicate with all of your buddies from AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and ICQ in one unified program. BSM completely eliminates the need to install other instant messenger software. It allows you to free up valuable hard drive space and creates less clutter on your desktop.
BSM is secure. Your current instant messenger is not. AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and ICQ do not offer any level of encryption. Your sensitive online communications are leaking out all over the internet for anyone to see. Your privacy is being compromised.
BSM is rock solid and offers industry leading security. With up to 4,096 bit encryption your conversations online will be safe, secure, and ultimately impossible to hack. Over four years of research and development went into BSM. We set the industry benchmark that no other instant messenger program has matched.
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Download Blowsearch Secured Messenger 2.1.0
Download Blowsearch Secured Messenger 2.1.0
Authors software Toolbar 1.09
Adorigin Corp
The Blowsearch bar makes finding information, people and places on the Web quick and easy.
Blowsearch Toolbar 2.0
Adorigin Corp
The Free Blowsearch Toolbar serves as both a way to get relevant information right from your browser as well as a Popup Blocker to stop those annoying ads.
Blowsearch Secured Messenger 2.1.0
AdOrigin Corp
BSM isn't just any old instant messenger.
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AdOrigin Corp
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