AzDGDatingLite 2.1.4
AzDGDatingLite is a Free dating script working on PHP and MySQL.
AzDGDatingLite is a Free dating script working on PHP and MySQL.
Multilanguage, 35 registering fields, 3 photos, quick/simple search, feedback with webmaster, who is online, statistics, Very customizable (Can add new genders (man, woman, couple), categories (seeking for and more), securely working on sessions (temporary cookies) and

Download AzDGDatingLite 2.1.4
Authors software
AzDGDatingLite 2.1.4
AzDGDatingLite is a Free dating script working on PHP and MySQL.
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AzDGDatingLite 2.1.4
AzDGDatingLite is a Free dating script working on PHP and MySQL.
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