MiniCap 1.42.01
MiniCap is a minimal screenshot capture app, with good commandline support, including the ability to launch (and then terminate) apps, capture windows by handle or object name.
MiniCap is a minimal screenshot capture app, with good commandline support, including the ability to launch (and then terminate) apps, capture windows by handle or object name.
But the most common way to use MiniCap is with commandline arguments for non interactive capture:
-sleep #
-capturehwnd #
-capturepid #
-captureregion left top right bottom
-captureappbyname "filename.exe"
-run "APPNAME" [args+]
-runcap "APPNAME" [args+]
MiniCap.exe -save "C:screen_$appname$$uniquenum$_$date$.jpg" -closeapp -exit -sleep 4 -capturerunapp -run "C:Program FilesMacromediaFlashPlayer.exe" "C:MyMovie.swf"
MiniCap.exe -capturerunapp -exit -save "D:desktop.png" -sleep 5 -closeapp -exit -run "C:WINDOWSsystem32notepad.exe" "C:WINDOWStest.txt"
MiniCap.exe -save "E:test.jpg" -runcap "C:WINDOWSsystem32notepad.exe" "C:WINDOWStest.txt"
the app capture the minicap exe closeapp exit automatically capture after the the specified appname args exit sleep windowstest txt exe save windowssystem32notepad exe before capturing

Download MiniCap 1.42.01
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