Breeze Designer 2.0.10
Breeze Designer is a free 3D modelling and design tool for Windows XP, 2, 2003, NT, and Windows 98.
Breeze Designer is a free 3D modelling and design tool for Windows XP, 2, 2003, NT, and Windows 98.
Breeze Designer has been written to primarily interface with the Persistance of Vision raytracer (POV-Ray version 2.0 & 3.0), there is also support to export to a number of other popular renderers including Pixars's RenderMan and VRML viewers.
Breeze Designer is a freeware application designed to help your work with 3D design and modelling.
Breeze Designer features
breeze designer spline paths

Download Breeze Designer 2.0.10
Download Breeze Designer 2.0.10
Authors software
Breeze Designer 2.0.10
Neville Richards
Breeze Designer is a free 3D modelling and design tool for Windows XP, 2, 2003, NT, and Windows 98.
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