Bio2MIDI 2.1
Bio2Midi converts the text of a DNA or protein sequence to a MIDI file, which you may immediately audition, or import into any MIDI sequencer for further compositional processing.
Bio2Midi converts the text of a DNA or protein sequence to a MIDI file, which you may immediately audition, or import into any MIDI sequencer for further compositional processing.
Choose to listen to the sequences as 4-note DNA bases, or as 20-note protein amino acids, or both at once. You can select specific data sections to be translated, called exons and introns, and mark areas of interest to be played in a different instrument.
In order to provide a fast, easy sketchpad for converting and listening to the sequences Bio2MIDI translations are kept simple, giving only direct pitch translation of the DNA and protein sequences

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Bio2MIDI 2.1
Algorithmic Arts
Bio2Midi converts the text of a DNA or protein sequence to a MIDI file, which you may immediately audition, or import into any MIDI sequencer for further compositional processing.
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