AudiStream Plus 0.400
AudiStream is a simple and very quick way to tell others what songs you are listening to.
AudiStream is a simple and very quick way to tell others what songs you are listening to.
No matter what application your working in AOL Instant Messenger, MIRC, America Online, or Yahoo! Messenger you will always have the ability to tell others what you are listening to.
Extending Winamp 2.x's features
AudiStream does more than just tell people what your listening to, it also ads new exciting features to Winamp.
One of these features is global hotkeys (Hotkeys are a combination of keys [ie: Ctrl+P] that execute a command). So say you're working in Microsoft Word and you want to QUICKLY pause the current song playing in winamp. Just press the key and presto! its done.
All of the hotkeys are customizable, you can also have your choice of using Ctrl+Shift or Ctrl+Alt.
Another great feature that AudiStream adds is playlist statistics. Tick the area in the preferences and every song you play will be recorded to a file. It'll keep track of how many times you play a file and you can even generate a winamp style html file (from within the configuration screen).
In order to tell people what you're listening to over the internet you'll need to signup for an account at
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Download AudiStream Plus 0.400
Download AudiStream Plus 0.400
Authors software
AudiStream Plus 0.400
Adam Parker
AudiStream is a simple and very quick way to tell others what songs you are listening to.
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