network tools › network information software
Karen's WhoIs 2.6.5
Karen Kenworthy
Query the 200+ top-level domain registries and Regional Internet Registries around the world, and returns information about Internet sites.
FreeNetEnumerator 1.6.5
Nsasoft LLC.
Enumerate computers is a tool to enumerate computers in a domain.
My TCP Viewer 1.0
My TCP Viewer is a free and useful tool that helps you to check TCP connections on your computer.
System Mole 0.9
RSoft Network Speed Benchmarker 1.0 BETA
RSoft Software
This program helps you test the actual speed of your network.
RemoteNetstat 1.3.4
Nsasoft llc
Remote Network Statistics will display remote network computer IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP and Server statistics, shows the details about IP datagrams including forwarding enabled-disabled state, default time to live, the number of received datagrams, datagrams with address, protocol errors, header, forwarded datagrams, incoming datagrams that have been discarded, sent datagrams, delivered datagrams, routing datagrams that have been discarded, datagrams withought routing, interfaces, local host Ip address, TCP segments including timeout algorithm, minimum and maximum timeouts in milliseconds, the number of maximum connections, opened active and passive connections, failed connections, reset connections, currently established connections, received segments, sent segments, retransmitted segments, received errors, segments, which have been sent with reset flag, cumulative connections, details about UDP datagrams the number of received datagrams, datagrams without port, datagrams with errors, sent datagrams, listening connections, ICMP messages in incoming and outgoing states including the number of messages, errors, unreachable messages, TTL exceeded messages, messages with parameter problems, source quench messages, redirected messages, echo messages, echo replies, time stamp replies, address mask messages, address mask replies,etc.
Linspect Info 1.1
Linspect Info allows you to retrieve important information and parameters from your Linux/Unix server without knowing much about the system.
Colasoft MAC Scanner 1.1 Build 196
Colasoft Co Ltd
Colasoft MAC Scanner is a scan utility used for scanning IP addresses and MAC addresses in a local network.
Network Information Requester 1.1
CEZEO software
Network Information Requester is very simple tool.
SNMPGetSet 1.0
Carsten Schmidt
SNMPGetSet is a little tool to get and set SNMP standard data and individual data.
DiamondCS OpenPorts 1.0
DiamondCS OpenPorts is a CLI (command line interface/console) tool that allows you to see all open TCP and UDP ports on your system, including the owner process.
MACAddr 1.1
B&P Technoloies
MACAddr is a simple utility that can be used to display network adapter information.
Roadkil's Audit 1.35
Creates a database of computers on your network and their configurations.
Windows Vista Hardware Assessment 1.0
The Windows Vista Hardware Assessment is a tool that will find computers on a network and perform a detailed inventory of the computers using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
MMD HttpHead 1.0
MMD Software
MMD HttpHeader is small, absolutely free tool designed to display http headers.
DNS Query 1.2
Mika Ylianttila
DNS Query will resolve an IP address for a specific host name and the other way arround.
Roadkil's DIG 1.2
DIG will displays all available information about a given domain name.
FDBGet 1.2.3
Carsten Schmidt
How does it work and what does it do? Simply enter the IP address of your switch and its SNMP read community in the fields and press the Retrieve Table button to get the list.
Free Net Booster Lite
Are you bored from your internet connection speed? Speed up your modem, Cable, DSL and ISDN (LAN connection) speed Free Net Booster Lite will try for you those settings to give you the most appropriate settings for your own system.
Nassau 1.04
the sz development
Nassau is an application that lets you see all network connection settings.
PortableStorageExplorer 1.3.3
Nsasoft llc
Portable Storage Explorer will display remote network computer USB devices, removable storage, CD-Rom and DVD drive information and state, drive type, serial number, revision, last cleaned time, device name, device vendor and product name, created and modified time, operational state, device library and more.
Remote Host Explorer 1.2
PipSoft Inc
Remote Host Explorer allows to create any HTTP header, send it to remote website and see the reply.
RemoteDeviceExplorer 1.3.3
Nsasoft llc
Remote Device Explorer displays device information installed on a remote network computer and enumerates the members of the specified device information set.
TerminalServiceAgent 1.3.2
Nsasoft llc
Terminal Service Agent allows to enumerate and control network terminal services and processes and allows to terminate or log off remotely.
Get Adapter Info 1.0
Get Adapter Info is a free and small application that displays MAC addresses, group name and adapter type for entered machine.