Wlock 2.4
Wlock gives you a GUI and command line tool that is able to lock the workstation and alternatively runs the default screensaver

Download Wlock 2.4
Authors software
Minall 1.0
Uri Fridman
Minall offers you a command line program that will minimize all open windows from the command line.
Permuta 1.0
Uri Fridman
Permuta gives you a simple command line program that is able to print all the permutations of a word.
Clipp 1.0
Uri Fridman
Clipp is a cut and paste history application that will run in the tray area.
Dirw 1.0
Uri Fridman
Dirw is a command line tool that watches a directory for changes and reports them.
PS 1.7
Uri Fridman
PS is a program that will show all the running processes.
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