VB6 Setup Program with Skin 1.2

VB6 Setup Program with Skin 1.2 Screenshot You can change your default VB6 setup program with this improved setup program: VB6 Setup Program with Skin.

Developer:   visual-basic.com.ar
      software by visual-basic.com.ar →
Price:  0.00
License:   Freeware
File size:   0K
OS:   Windows Vista (?)
Rating:   0 /5 (0 votes)

You can change your default VB6 setup program with this improved setup program: VB6 Setup Program with Skin.

It has a skin and it is multilingual (english, spanish, french and italian). The language is automatically swithched according to the user language.

Yo will have to manually copy the setup1.exe file and replace the old file of the same name in your Visual Basic 6 installation folder. Read Readme.txt file inside the zip file for details.

Every time you will make a package with the Visual Basic 6.0 setup wizard it will be made with the new setup program.

If later you want to go back and wish to use the default VB6 setup program, then delete or

tags setup program  vb6 setup  with the  visual basic  program with  default vb6  

VB6 Setup Program with Skin 1.2 screenshot

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 Download VB6 Setup Program with Skin 1.2

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VB6 Setup Program with Skin 1.2 VB6 Setup Program with Skin 1.2

You can change your default VB6 setup program with this improved setup program: VB6 Setup Program with Skin.

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