TEE 03.060
This program is useful in make files (or batch files) where you wish to redirect the output to a file but you still wish to see the output.
This program is useful in make files (or batch files) where you wish to redirect the output to a file but you still wish to see the output.
In a make file it is common to redirect output for use with editor error tracking macros, the problem is that you typically place a "type" command after the compile/build command and if the build command fails you never get to see the output!
This program is a filter that reads standard input. To process standard error you should direct it to standard input first.
Due to bugs in windows you must proceed the "tee" command with the name of the rexx interpreter and not rely on the "ftype" association working correctly. Regina being slightly brain dead will not search the path so you need to supply the path when invoking it!
the return code of the original program is lost due to the way that filters work. This program provides a number of ways of creating a new one which in most cases is just as good.
this program the output the path standard input see the build command

Download TEE 03.060
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