LaunchBar Commander 1.157.01
LaunchBar Commander is what is commonly referred to as an "Application Launcher"; LaunchBar Commander is typically docked to the side of your screen and will let you configure buttons and menus which will launch your favorites applications.
LaunchBar Commander is what is commonly referred to as an "Application Launcher"; LaunchBar Commander is typically docked to the side of your screen and will let you configure buttons and menus which will launch your favorites applications.
LaunchBar Commander features
launchbar commander drag drop

Download LaunchBar Commander 1.157.01
Download LaunchBar Commander 1.157.01
Authors software
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Supports transparency and embeds the richtext within the image for later editing.
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Database stores history of all past text clipboard entries for easy viewing, modification and search.
Similar software
LaunchBar Commander 1.157.01
LaunchBar Commander is what is commonly referred to as an "Application Launcher"; LaunchBar Commander is typically docked to the side of your screen and will let you configure buttons and menus which will launch your favorites applications.
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Code Sector Inc.
JetStart Free - a program that launches start menu shortcuts.
SendTo Commander 1.2
Vasilios Freeware
SendTo Commander is a free software which allows you to take the full control of your SendTo right-click menu and customize it by organizing better its shortcuts.
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