LanWhoIs — this program helps you find out who, where and when registered the domain or site you are interested in, and the information about those who serves it now.
LanWhoIs — this program helps you find out who, where and when registered the domain or site you are interested in, and the information about those who serves it now. LanWhoIs will answer all your questions about domain (site) holder or IP address!
LanWhois features
LanWhoIs within seconds will give you information about domain and address no matter where in Internet it is located.
whois servers about domain information about

Download LanWhois
Authors software
LanSpy gives you a network security scanner, that allows getting different information about the system: Domain and NetBios names, MAC address, Server information, Domain and Domain controller information, Remote control, Time, Discs, Transports, Users, Global and local users groups, Policy settings, Shared resources, Sessions, Open files, Services, Registry and Event log information.
LanWhoIs — this program helps you find out who, where and when registered the domain or site you are interested in, and the information about those who serves it now.
LanCalculator 1.0.2
LanCalculator — makes possible not only to easily calculate the subnet addresses range and subnet masks but also broadcast address, net address, net prefix and net mask inversion which is used in the access control lists (ACL) of Cisco network equipment.
LanShutDown 3.0.2
LanShutDown allows you to remotely shutdown or remotely reboot a computer under W2K/XP control through a network.
Similar software
LanWhoIs — this program helps you find out who, where and when registered the domain or site you are interested in, and the information about those who serves it now.
Whois 3.1.4
Nsasoft llc.
Whois Tool is a client utility that communicates with WHOIS servers located around the world to obtain domain registration information.
WhoIs ULTRA 3.01
Want to register a domain name, but don't know if it's in use? Or just interested in more info about an existing site.
Win32Whois 0.9.12
Gennady Feldman
Win32Whois is a useful, small and efficient Whois client that is capable to retrieve domain information for most of the common TLDs (top level domains).
IDwhois 1.0
IDwhois is a small and efficient whois client that runs under Windows system that lets you retrieve registration information for domain names.
Karen's WhoIs 2.6.5
Karen Kenworthy
Query the 200+ top-level domain registries and Regional Internet Registries around the world, and returns information about Internet sites.
WhoisThisDomain 2.45
NirSoft Freeware
WhoisThisDomain allows you to easily get information about a registered domain.
Agent Whois 1.2.2006
Agent Whois retrieve information about internet domains status.
Persian Gulf Whois 1.0
Hamid Alipour
Persian Gulf Whois is a free, simple and compact whois client.
AddInternet Domain Search 5.0.8
AddInternet Domain Search is a free software that allows you to search for domain names available for registration as well as find out who is a domain owner by searching the global Whois database.
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i00 Productions
i00 Trace IT finds routes to an IP or domain.
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Konst Pinger is a program for ping and trace internet host.
Win32Whois 0.9.12
Gennady Feldman
Win32Whois is a useful, small and efficient Whois client that is capable to retrieve domain information for most of the common TLDs (top level domains).
Agent Whois 1.2.2006
Agent Whois retrieve information about internet domains status.
FREEping 2.0
Do you want to know if all your Windows 2003-XP-2000-NT servers are alive and pinging? Do you want to receive a pop-up message when one of them is not running anymore? FREEping is a free ping software utility which will ping all your IP addresses in free-definable intervals.