Copy Folder to Project Plugin
If you've ever found yourself in a situation where you'd like to include in your current project the contents of a folder elsewhere on your hard drive, you'll appreciate the ease with w

Download Copy Folder to Project Plugin
Download Copy Folder to Project Plugin
Authors software
Google 2.0.1
Morrison Schwartz, Inc.
Google Plugin allows the developer to search Google from Visual Studio.
Add Copyright Notice Plugin
Morrison Schwartz, Inc.
This project is a SharpTools plugin which helps the developer to specify a custom header that can be added to each code file in the current VS.
Collection Builder Plugin
Morrison Schwartz, Inc.
Collection Builder Plugin is a SharpTools plugin which allows the developer to create a strongly-typed collection from any class in the current Visual Studio project.
Zip Project Plugin
Morrison Schwartz, Inc.
Zip Project Plugin helps the developer to create a ZIP archive of project files from within the VS.
API to .NET Mapping Plugin
Morrison Schwartz, Inc.
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Morrison Schwartz, Inc.
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