ColorBtn 7.0
ColorBtn is a custom component developed by Syringa Software for use in the Delphi (TM Inprise Corp.
ColorBtn is a custom component developed by Syringa Software for use in the Delphi (TM Inprise Corp.) programming language. As such, this component should be of interest mainly to licensed users of Delphi. ColorBtn was derived from the unit Buttons that belongs to Borland's Delphi Visual Component Library (VCL)
Beyond having properties of a pushbutton, ColorBtn has additional properties of color, both background color and font color--properties lacking in standard pushbuttons. Besides jazzing-up a form/screen with attractive color contrast(s), colored buttons may serve a useful program purpose as well.
For example, in the program CalcSupreme, a Syringa Software application, featured at and elsewhere, the ColorBtn component is used extensively on Finance and Science screens to provide color code for specified keyboard combinations, where user might, optionally, prefer keyboard to mouse.
Filename for the total (inclusive) component package is, where nn denotes inclusion of the following versioned Delphi component packages:,, [where 04, 05, 07 indicate applicable (compiled-in) Delphi versions 4, 5, 7, respectively].
Elements of each versioned package are the following: Pkg_ClrBtn.bpl, Pkg_ClrBtn.dcp, Pkg_ClrBtn.dcu, ColorBtn.dcu, ColorBtn.dcr, Readme_CB.txt, Disclaimer_CB.txt.
pkg clrbtn dcu colorbtn zip packagecb the following zip where syringa software

Download ColorBtn 7.0
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ColorBtn 7.0
Syringa Software, Inc.
ColorBtn is a custom component developed by Syringa Software for use in the Delphi (TM Inprise Corp.
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