Budget Manager 2004.09.01
Discover how this program can help you build a smart pro-active budget.
Discover how this program can help you build a smart pro-active budget. By taking into account all your financial obligations (weekly, monthly and annually), you will see how much you need to put aside weekly to pay your bills, and how much you have left over for that something special (trip, car, . . . ).
You can also do "what if?" type analysis to best organize your finances. A must-have program to regain control of your finances.
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Download Budget Manager 2004.09.01
Download Budget Manager 2004.09.01
Authors software
Budget Manager 2004.09.01
Serge M Botans
Discover how this program can help you build a smart pro-active budget.
ExitWin 2004.07.03
Serge M Botans
Discover how this program will help you with the problem of having unattended computers left running for long periods of time by swtiching them off for you at a set time each day.
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Serge M Botans
Discover how this program can help you build a smart pro-active budget.
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