BrainStorm Year Planner 1
BrainStorm's free Diary generator creates a diary or calendar file for any year from 1753 to 2199.
BrainStorm's free Diary generator creates a diary or calendar file for any year from 1753 to 2199.
With BrainStorm Year Planner you may even use it just to see what day of the week historical events fell on.
The program writes details of each year as a tabbed outline text file or as a BrainStorm file for use within the BrainStorm ideas organiser program.
The file structure is Year, the month headings, then days of the week. Each date can be formatted in a wide variety of ways and the start day of the week can be colour highlighted when outputting as a BrainStorm file. It's ideal for diary, calendar, year planning and for recording past and future information.
The BrainStorm shareware is a perfect way to add information to the diary, as well as being an exceedingly useful information gatherer/organiser/publisher in its own right.The diary generator downloads as a .exe file so no installation is required.
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Download BrainStorm Year Planner 1
Download BrainStorm Year Planner 1
Authors software
BrainStorm Year Planner 1
Brainstorm Software Ltd
BrainStorm's free Diary generator creates a diary or calendar file for any year from 1753 to 2199.
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