UploadBean 1.9
UploadBean 1.
UploadBean 1.9 is a freeware JavaBean designed to help you upload files from browser. This bean could be integrated in any JSP/Servlets application. You can store uploaded files in a Folder, a ZIP archive, a Database or in Memory.
Restrictions such as file size limit, blacklist/whitelist and max. uploaded files are available. You can also be notified when on upload events. UploadBean is free for non-commercial use.
Add-ons section provides tools such as email notification on each uploads, real time progress bar on upload, custom database store sample, renaming plugin, chinese upload jsp sample, JSF plugin ...
UploadBean features
UploadBean should work under any Servlet2.2/JSP1.1 engine (or higher). It has been validated under Tomcat 3.x, Tomcat 4.x, Tomcat 5.0.x, Tomcat 5.5.x, JRun 3.1, JRun 4.0, Resin 2.0.5, Resin 2.1.x, WebSphere 3.5.3, WebSphereAE 4.0.3, WebSphere 5.x, Weblogic 6.1, Weblogic 7.0, SunONE 7, ServletExec 4.1, Orion 1.5.4 ... More info here.
UploadBean could store uploaded files in database. It should work under any RDBMS supporting large column or blobs. It has been validated under Oracle8i, Oracle9i, IBM DB 7.2, PostGreSQL 7.3, OpenBase 8, MySQL 3.23.x, SQLServer 2000 and MySQL 4.x. More info here.
UploadBean package includes JSP samples to let developers understand quickly how to use the component. A developer guide is also included for basic usage (methods, scope, tips ...).
In addition to samples and guides, UploadBean package includes an UML class diagram to let developers know how we designed the component. The JavaDoc is available too.
You could find a chinese upload jsp sample, an email notifier for uploads, an upload progress bar and a database store implementation allowing Oracle blob support.
uploaded files samples and info here more info and guides validated under uploadbean package the component let developers package includes been validated guides uploadbean under any

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UploadBean 1.9
UploadBean 1.
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