TakeYourBreak 1.0
TakeYourBreak is the first software from collection USE&THANK.
TakeYourBreak is the first software from collection USE&THANK. TakeYourBreak was built by a doctor, for anybody, absolute anybody (because is distribute under USE&THANK concept) who chooses to take care of his health and understands that the computers can become an enemy in some circumstances (of abuse usually).
In this way TakeYourBreak can help you to prevent and minimize R.S.I. syndrome (Repetitive Strain Injuries or Occupational Overuse Syndrome) and psychological problems (psychical dependence for entertainment activity, usually) generate by long continuous work on the computer.
TakeYourBreak features
break time computer hibernate monitor stand computer states hot keys your computer very easy hot key hibernate power power off screen saver saver stand states for

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Authors software
TakeYourBreak 1.0
TakeYourBreak is the first software from collection USE&THANK.
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