System Path Commander 1.31
System Path Commander is a tool which makes it easy to temporarily enable and disable directories in the system path, rearrange their order, convert paths to short form to reduce space, identify invalid paths, and add new directories.
System Path Commander is a tool which makes it easy to temporarily enable and disable directories in the system path, rearrange their order, convert paths to short form to reduce space, identify invalid paths, and add new directories. Such a tool is useful in a variety of situations.
For example, the System Path sometimes grows too large and can cause problems if it isn't shortened. Being able to temporarily disable and enable directories on your system path can be a great way to do this safely, while still keeping all the paths available to you should you decide to re-enable them at a later time.
System Path Commander features
system path your system invalid paths the system path commander short form

Download System Path Commander 1.31
Download System Path Commander 1.31
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System Path Commander 1.31
System Path Commander is a tool which makes it easy to temporarily enable and disable directories in the system path, rearrange their order, convert paths to short form to reduce space, identify invalid paths, and add new directories.
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