Restaurant Savant 2.0
Restaurant Savant is specifically developed to hold restaurant reviews.
Restaurant Savant is specifically developed to hold restaurant reviews.
It’s very powerful (it can hold 64 trillion reviews!) yet it’s simple to use. Here’s how it works… you gather reviews (from sites such as, TV, Radio, Newspaper etc.) and drag and drop them into RS.
By entering information such as: Name, Address, Type of Restaurant, etc., you can organize your reviews in such a way as to make them easy to create a book or a quick list of reviews for the particular area you’ll be visiting, or to easily invite a friend out to eat and include the directions via email.
This is a great tool to get ready for your vacation!
Restaurant Savant features
restaurant savant restaurant reviews via the the internet and store driving directions directions via via email find and

Download Restaurant Savant 2.0
Download Restaurant Savant 2.0
Authors software
Restaurant Savant 2.0
Restaurant Savant is specifically developed to hold restaurant reviews.
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