MRIcro 1.39
MRIcro is an application that allows you to view medical images.
MRIcro is an application that allows you to view medical images. It is a standalone program, but includes tools to complement SPM (software that allows neuroimagers to analyse MRI, fMRI and PET images).
MRIcro allows efficient viewing and exporting of brain images. In addition, it allows neuropsychologists to identify regions of interest (ROIs, e.g. lesions). MRIcro can create Analyze format headers for exporting brain images to other platforms.
Users familiar with other Windows programs will find that this software is fairly straightforward to use. Resting the mouse cursor over a button will cause a text hint to appear over the button. As a last resort, I have included this brief manual that describes the basic features.
MRIcro features
analyze format format headers endian create little endian create analyze medical images brain images that allows

Download MRIcro 1.39
Authors software
MRIcro 1.39
Chris Rorden
MRIcro is an application that allows you to view medical images.
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Chris Rorden
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