McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.0 Beta
McAfee Rootkit Detective Beta is a program designed and developed by McAfee Avert Labs to proactively detect and clean rootkits that are running on the system.
McAfee Rootkit Detective Beta is a program designed and developed by McAfee Avert Labs to proactively detect and clean rootkits that are running on the system.
McAfee Rootkit Detective should only be used by knowledgeable individuals at the direction of, and with the support of, a representative from McAfee Avert Labs or McAfee Technical Support. Improper usage of this tool could result in damage to your applications or operating system.
Here are some key features of "McAfee Rootkit Detective":
rootkit detective mcafee rootkit detective will will detect the system system mcafee hooked service service from iat eat the user from mcafee internet security avert labs

Download McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.0 Beta
Download McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.0 Beta
Authors software
McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.0 Beta
McAfee Avert Labs
McAfee Rootkit Detective Beta is a program designed and developed by McAfee Avert Labs to proactively detect and clean rootkits that are running on the system.
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McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.0 Beta
McAfee Avert Labs
McAfee Rootkit Detective Beta is a program designed and developed by McAfee Avert Labs to proactively detect and clean rootkits that are running on the system.
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UG North EP_X0FF (EvilPhantasy
Rootkit Unhooker - an advanced rootkit detection/removal utility
Here are some key features of "Rootkit Unhooker":
Service Descriptor Table hooks detection
· Includes Service Descriptor Table hooks removing (unhooking)
SYSENTER/Int 2e hooks detection
· Detection of hooking sysenter instruction handler and system interrupt (IDT) hook
SYSENTER/Int 2e hooks removing (unhooking)
· Restoring original instruction (interrupt) handler
Hidden processes detection
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· Most powerful in the world at current time
· Detection of processes with full path and name (unique)
Hidden processes terminating
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· (c) PVASE Process Virtual Address Space Erasing
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· and six (c) KMSE - Kernel Memory Scanning Engine
Hidden drivers dumping
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IRP hooks detection
· Look for "References" column on the Hidden Drivers Detector page
Detection of API-based hooks (Code Hooks Detection)
· Includes most powerful at this time inline (splicing) hooks detection in drivers and libraries.
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