Julia 4.32
Julia is a free and useful application which draws various Julia or Mandelbrot fractals and shows its name and the elapsed time in the title of the window.
Julia is a free and useful application which draws various Julia or Mandelbrot fractals and shows its name and the elapsed time in the title of the window.
It works best on a fast PC with a high-resolution graphic card and true-colors.
The Mandelbrot set is the best known example of a fractal.
It includes smaller versions of itself which can be explored to arbitrary
levels of detail.
It was discovered by Benoit B. Mandelbrot who coined the name "fractal"
in 1975 from the Latin fractus or "to break".
You can explore all the fractals with the Fractal-walker.

Download Julia 4.32
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Julia 4.32
Jos Ven
Julia is a free and useful application which draws various Julia or Mandelbrot fractals and shows its name and the elapsed time in the title of the window.
Similar software
Julia 4.32
Jos Ven
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Fractals World 1.0
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Improbable Software
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