International KeyBoard 2.3.0
Here are some key features of "International KeyBoard":
· IKB works with any European Language (based on Codepage 1252).
International KeyBoard features

Download International KeyBoard 2.3.0
Download International KeyBoard 2.3.0
Authors software
Volume Hotkey XP 2.0
Thomas Bigler
International KeyBoard 2.3.0
Thomas Bigler
Here are some key features of "International KeyBoard":
· IKB works with any European Language (based on Codepage 1252).
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Lame123 1.2
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Thomas Bigler
Windows-Locale displays local setting, dates, string, currency etc.
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Thomas Bigler
Here are some key features of "International KeyBoard":
· IKB works with any European Language (based on Codepage 1252).
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