Edu Planner 1.4
If you are looking for a free program to help you plan and manage your everyday tasks, you have come to the right place.
If you are looking for a free program to help you plan and manage your everyday tasks, you have come to the right place.
edu Planner is a task management tool, designed for University students.
edu Planner will help you manage your long list of assignments and homework by storing details such as:
Week No.
Week Range
Subject Name
Date Due
Task Details
The unique part of this application, compared to other assignment organizers, is the allocation of tasks to particular week numbers.
edu planner manage your help you

Download Edu Planner 1.4
Authors software
Edu Planner 1.4
Edu Planner
If you are looking for a free program to help you plan and manage your everyday tasks, you have come to the right place.
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Edu Planner
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