DefragMentor Lite CL 5.0
DefragMentor Lite CL is a free command line file defragmentation tool that will help you defragment a single file or a group of files as well as to obtain information on file and disk fragmentation.
DefragMentor Lite CL is a free command line file defragmentation tool that will help you defragment a single file or a group of files as well as to obtain information on file and disk fragmentation. DefragMentor Lite CL (where CL stands for Command Line) is a perfect tool for automated file-based defragmentation.
Even if you defragment the entire disk on a regular basis, some frequently changed files become fragmented long before the next launch of disk defragmenter. So you can use DefragMentor Lite CL to optimize placement of individual files thus reducing access time and improving overall performance of your system. Database files of any kind (especially large ones) are the best example of what DefragMentor Lite CL can optimize.
Instead of running DefragMentor Lite CL manually every time you need to defragment files you can schedule a task, which Windows will run for you automatically at any convenient time. Use the standard Windows task scheduler if you want to work in this way.
defragmentor lite you can command line you defragment

Download DefragMentor Lite CL 5.0
Download DefragMentor Lite CL 5.0
Authors software
DefragMentor Lite CL 5.0
DefragMentor Software
DefragMentor Lite CL is a free command line file defragmentation tool that will help you defragment a single file or a group of files as well as to obtain information on file and disk fragmentation.
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DefragMentor Lite CL 5.0
DefragMentor Software
DefragMentor Lite CL is a free command line file defragmentation tool that will help you defragment a single file or a group of files as well as to obtain information on file and disk fragmentation.
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