BirdData 3.21
BirdData software represents a custom database for the types of records useful to bird keepers.
BirdData software represents a custom database for the types of records useful to bird keepers. The program is oriented towards the needs of Parrot reeders, but may be useful to pet owners as well.
Bird records include identification information, fields for 6 items of user-defined data, and weight/journal for up to 2 lines. Weight information may be shown graphically for individual birds and various groupings of birds. Bird records are placed in user-defined groups.
There is a search function for bird records that allows searching for a text string among any of the identification items or the six user-defined items.
A handy daily-weigh function will locate all babies that are a specific age or less on a specific date, and allow weights and comments for that date to be entered. This is useful both for daily entering of data, or for entering groups of paper-written info maintained on a per day basis.
Pair data includes identification information, information on bird origins, free-form date-stamped diary entries, and ongoing egglaying data. The program will calculate hatchdates, based on user input or prior data.
Pet data was maintained separately in previous versions, but is integrated with the rest of the bird data in version 3.0.
Most records and lists may be printed to provide permanent records. Full documentation is included in the form of a Windows Help file. When you desire help, press your F1 function key for context-sensitive help, or press the help key if you are in a dialog box.
BirdData is a complete database program that I developed for my own needs as a parrot breeder, and later released and expanded in reponse to other breeders' needs. Records are kept for individual birds and for breeding pairs.
Y2K note: BirdData interprets "00" as 1900, "01" as 1901, and so on. It will correctly read current dates and perform date calculations, but any entered date must use "2001" fully. There will be an update eventually that sets 2-digit year entry to the range 1951-2050.
bird records user defined birds and records are individual birds for individual the program identification information

Download BirdData 3.21
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BirdData 3.21
Arcata Pet Supplies
BirdData software represents a custom database for the types of records useful to bird keepers.
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