Active Wall Traffic Monitor 5.0
Active Wall Traffic Monitor is a free real time network traffic monitor software for LAN.
Active Wall Traffic Monitor is a free real time network traffic monitor software for LAN. It can monitor more than 1,000 computers at the same time. It displays speed, packets, bytes of each computer and provides traffic statistics, net flow.
Active Wall is the professional gateway filtering software. The main functions are port filter, web filter, smtp filter, pop3 filter, im filter, ftp filter, dns filter, ip filter, mac filter, time filter, traffic monitor, bandwidth control, authorization.
It installed in gateway server and provides continuous enterprise-wide protection. It delivers comprehensive network security, enabling businesses to protect their corporate assets.
traffic monitor and provides active wall

Download Active Wall Traffic Monitor 5.0
Download Active Wall Traffic Monitor 5.0
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Active Wall Traffic Monitor 5.0
Active Network CO., LTD
Active Wall Traffic Monitor is a free real time network traffic monitor software for LAN.
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