yRoute 2.0.43
If you've decompiled the AI traffic from Flight Sim 2002 (or later) with Lee Swordy's TrafficTools utilities you'll know that editing the resulting flight plans and aircraft by hand can be time consuming and prone to errors.
If you've decompiled the AI traffic from Flight Sim 2002 (or later) with Lee Swordy's TrafficTools utilities you'll know that editing the resulting flight plans and aircraft by hand can be time consuming and prone to errors.
yRoute is a software that helps you to edit traffic for Flight Sim.
There's something about editing a 2.5 meg text file in Wordpad which just doesn't appeal to me, so I set out to write something which would allow me to do what I wanted - namely, to populate deserted airfields with a variety of interesting aircraft.

Download yRoute 2.0.43
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